
Imagine having the chance to create a vibrant news and information hub tailored to your community’s needs. Total|Local Media is here to make that vision a reality.

Building a local site requires dedication, but you don’t have to do it alone. With our expertise, you can launch and manage a successful news site without a hefty investment. Here’s how we can help:

  • Customizable News Site: We’ll build a fully operational news site that reflects your community’s unique character and your vision.
  • Audience Building Roadmap: From posting schedules and social media integration to newsletter creation and Google AdSense setup, we provide a comprehensive guide to growing your audience.
  • AI Tools and Platforms: Gain access to cutting-edge artificial intelligence tools for content generation and workflow management, helping you publish efficiently and attract more readers.
  • Community Connections: Learn how to connect with and learn from other local news publishers, fostering a network of support and shared knowledge.
  • Ongoing Technical Support: We’re here to assist you every step of the way, ensuring your site runs smoothly and effectively.

We’re especially excited to partner with individuals in central and northern Ohio, but we’re open to collaborating with passionate people from a bit further afield as well.

Curious about how we can offer all this with a modest investment? Reach out to us at for more details. Let’s bring your community’s news to life!